I’m dreaming…of a White…Thursday

Weather today in Gillette is just this side of white.  We had some nice snow overnight and possibly another 6-8″ due to a lovely Canadian storm coming down on us.  So right now, I’m in the office doing some work.  Bible study was canceled this morning and it’s very likely that our Voters’ Meeting will be rescheduled to next week.  Currently, it’s 16° with light snow.  Radar shows the majority of it over Rapid City, SD right now, but should be heading our way anytime.  So this afternoon, I’ll be going to Walmart because we need food; the old parsonage pantry is looking a little empty.  After that, some quality time with the snowblower so we can actually get our cars up the driveway and back in the garage.  After that, I might get a little Xbox time in.  Regardless, I’ll be in the for the afternoon today and quite possibly tomorrow.  Only time will tell with the weather.