Where did this quote come from?

Here is a quote. See if you can figure out where it came from?

We must accept Jesus into our lives as our personal savior by permitting Him to make peace between God and us, by following His way of life as our way of life. Jesus is ready now to restore the full life to you. Are you ready now? Then ask Him to come into your life and personally accept Him. The next step is yours. Accepting Christ and finding the successful life in Him can be beautifully simple! Just admit to Him that life is incomplete, ask for His forgiveness, and request Him to begin a new life in you. You may speak to Him RIGHT NOW, for He is present and hears. Talk to Him in your own words, or use this prayer: “Lord, Jesus Christ, I ask for your help. Forgive my sins and give me peace with God. Then, dear Jesus, I ask that You make Your way of life become my way of life. Thank You for the new peace and happiness that You give me. Amen.”

Make your guess and find the answer after the jump. Have you made your guess? This sounds very evangelical doesn’t it? If that’s what you guessed, you would be wrong. The correct answer is… The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. This was published about 20 years ago by the Synod’s Department of Evangelism in a tract entitled “Do You Know the Four Steps to Success.” You can read all about this in The Fire and the Staff by Klemet Preus, p. 239-240.

Ablaze!More and more, this sounds like the Synod’s new evangelism program, Ablaze! If you want to know more about the Ablaze! program, you can click here.