A sad day has occured for all of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Rev. Dr. Kurt Marquart has passed away following a long fight with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. He died early this morning in his home in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Prof. Marquart was a former professor of mine at the seminary. He was a man who was truly a pastor at heart. Everything he said was spoken with great care and the Gospel. His teaching was Gospel-orientated and has given many pastors solid, Lutheran doctrine and teaching which we are, in turn, able to give to our people. Prof. Marquart was one who never minced words. He called things as he saw them. If it was wrong or if the doctrine was confused, he would never be afraid to call it as he saw it: “Rubbish!”
Prof. Marquart is a man who will be missed by many. To God alone be all the glory for the faith and conviction of this man!
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