Five cops on paid leave after 1 flushes fetus

This appeared under the “States in brief” section of today’s paper.  The following story comes from Mesa, Arizona.

Police in Arizona say five officers have been placed on paid leave after one allegedly flushed a fetus down a toilet.

Mesa Police Chief George Gascon says four officers responding to a call about a possible miscarriage at a motel on Monday discovered a woman who apparently lost a fetus estimated to be 12 to 14 weeks old.

Gascon says an officer who wasn’t at the motel instructed the four over the phone to flush the 4-inch fetus down the toilet rather than take it to a hospital.

A supervisor who was reading incident reports came across details about the disposal of the fetus and shared them with a superior.

Apparently, life, dead or alive, is not important to these officers.  It’s good to see that they will continue to be paid so as not to cause any inconvenience to them.

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One thought on “Five cops on paid leave after 1 flushes fetus

  1. Wow. Just wow is all I can say. What a terrible ordeal for a woman to begin with, and now the only memory she’ll have of her lost baby is that of the officers flushing it. How awful, traumatic, and callous.

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