Two years ago today at 4:44 am, 6 pound, 7.9 ounce baby boy came into our lives. Hard to believe he’s 2 now.
Category Archives: Bryce
Wesley’s First Day of School 2012-2013

This was the sight that I walked in to when I got back to the hospital after Wesley woke up from his nap. Gwen was waiting for the discharge papers to be completed and Bryce was as happy as could be. He could finally walk (he had monitor wires on his left foot) and get down from the bed. About 30 minutes later, we were led out of the hospital by his nurse on shift and we made our way home. Gwen took the boys and I went to Walmart to get 4 prescriptions filled. When we got home, he was happy as could be and running around and playing and even jumping on the mini trampoline.
I’m definitely glad to have all of my family home and my boy on the mend. Hopefully we won’t be making any more trips to the walk-in clinic, ER, and/or the ICU any time soon.
Bryce and the croup
This last week, Bryce has had croup. It was bad on Monday and Gwen wanted to take him to the doctor’s office, but it was closed due to the holiday. She ended up taking him to the ER, but it was a 4-6 hour wait, plus they were waiting for a series of ambulances to come.
Tuesday she took him to the doctor and they gave him a steroid shot and said he should be feeling better within three days. Yesterday was day two and he actually sounded worse than before. Gwen took him to the walk-in clinic last night. She was there less than 30 minutes and they called an ambulance for him. His O2 stats were in the 80s which is not good. He was also sciatic (his lips were blue in color). The ambulance trip was only about 2 blocks away, so that’s going to be an expensive taxi ride!
At the ER last night, they gave him some IV fluids and he started to perk up. Gwen called me and I got up there and he was still puny looking but better than what he was at the walk-in clinic. This is what he looked like.
Wesley and I spent the morning up at the ICU. Bryce really perked up and seemed to be more of his regular self. Starting at 1pm, they were transitioning him to oral medication and if all went well, he should be discharged tonight. This is what he looked like around 6:30 this morning.
Some Easter pictures
I posted some pictures from Easter here.
Up late
Gwen hasn’t felt well today so she went to bed and had me feed Bryce when he woke up. Usually, that time is around 11, but not tonight. Tonight, he decided he wanted to wake up at 11:40. That meant a later bedtime for him. Here’s a pic of him from when he was wide awake at 12:22 am.
At 12:50, I laid him down and at 1 (right now), there’s the occasional whimper.
Candid pictures of the day
Valentine’s Day pictures
My Big Little Man
The Joys of Parenting: Sick Kids
It was bound to happen sooner or later. After 2 1/2 years, my oldest got his first round of antibiotics. He had an ear infection a week ago and was given some antibiotics. Sunday, my wife took him to the walk-in clinic because of a 102* temperature. It turns out he had/still had an ear infection and possibly strep throat. They gave him a prescription for augmentin. It said on the bottle to take with food. Unfortunately, he had only had milk and not much more than that. We found out why it says to take with food: without food in your stomach, it will make you throw up. He threw up a couple of times that afternoon.
Gwen took him to our pediatrician yesterday and she took him off of the augmentin (after a dose and a half) because it had less than productive results. That led us to last night, which was not a good night.
After we got him ready for bed (at most 20 minutes), he threw up in bed. This prompted a changing of the sheets. Not only did he have vomiting, he also had diarrhea. Because of this, his little bottom is blood red; so red, he doesn’t even want you to wipe it. Around 3 this morning, he threw up again. By this point, we had run out of sheets and he had to sleep with us. During this time, there were more diapers that needed to be changed.
5:30 this morning and he woke up screaming/crying. After changing his diaper again, the only way to get him to settle down and go to sleep was for him to lay on me. This lasted until 8 or so, which meant I got little sleep. I made it into work close to 9:45. I think I was there for around 3 hours before my wife said she needed me to pick up some stuff for Wesley. That little trip cost close to $60!
If that wasn’t bad enough, Gwen said that Bryce was sounding pretty funny, especially when he coughed. She scheduled an appointment with the pediatrician again, this time for Bryce. It turns out that he has croup.
So, to sum it all up, we have one kid with an ear infection and diarrhea (which hopefully is clearing up). Kid 2 has croup.
For Gwen and I, that means that we are fully exercising our vocation of parent, care giver, and all-around “make the boys feel better” people.
We can’t wait to see what fun lies in store for tonight!