January in the books

So January is in the books. Well, I have an hour and 27 minutes, but close enough. I decided to take up the Daily Post challenge. During the month of January, I made 38 posts (including this one). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to post everyday due to some issues with my website. Fortunately, it only lasted a couple of days.

Below is a calendar showing when I posted.


WordPress woes

wordpress-logoI’ve been having WordPress woes lately, to say the least.  It all started Friday night when I tried to move the WordPress files to another spot on my server.  From that point on, it was disaster.  My site broke.  I couldn’t gain access to my Dashboard.  From Friday evening, until a little while ago, I was dead in the water.  And that meant, you my readers, were dead in the water, as well.  But now, everything (almost) is back to normal, I think.  Sorry for the outage, hopefully it won’t happen anytime soon.