January in the books

So January is in the books. Well, I have an hour and 27 minutes, but close enough. I decided to take up the Daily Post challenge. During the month of January, I made 38 posts (including this one). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to post everyday due to some issues with my website. Fortunately, it only lasted a couple of days.

Below is a calendar showing when I posted.


A challenge

2011smallI’m going to try something here.  WordPress.com put out a challenge to their bloggers about posting daily.  I’m going to give it my best try.  I do feel bad about not posting more.  Really, what’s the point of having a blog, paying for hosting and then not using it, right?  So, gonna really try this.  Actually, this will make the third post today.  Not doing too bad, huh?

So, what kinds of things can you expect to find on here?  Well…I’m not sure yet.  I’ll be putting my sermons up when I preach (I really failed on this the last year).  I might include something I enjoy: video games.  I may write about what happened that day.  I may post a simple prayer.  I may just post a picture.  Regardless, I really want to try to make this work. 

For you, my readers, please help me to do this.  Leave comments.  Ask questions.  Give me topics.  I’m sure somebody reads this (or at least I hope somebody does).