It’s a…

BOY!!! That’s right folks, it’s a baby boy! Gwen and I went to the doctor Tuesday for her 20-week ultrasound. The doctor did all the measurements of Baby and he is a healthy guy. Everything is developing at the pace it should be. He’s healthy, no defects she could see on the ultrasound. As she was checking everything out (brain size, heart chambers, organs, etc), she was moving down to check the spine and sure enough, he decided to let the world know what sex he is. There is no doubt in her mind that it’s a boy. Take a look at the pic and you tell me.

Baby Boy Tucher

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

5 thoughts on “It’s a…

  1. Congrats Daddy. Can’t wait to call you next week when we find out what we are having!

  2. Congratulations!

    We’re happy that Baby Boy Tucher is healthy and growing well. What a blessing! Will we see you before Baby comes? Enjoy this special time. We love you!

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